Experience the ultimate fitness flexibility with Crunch workouts – anytime, anywhere! Sculpt and tone your body with our extensive library of on-demand and live-streamed classes. Train with Crunch's top instructors and achieve your fitness goals, whether you're at home or the gym. Our diverse clas
Twilight 滤蓝光应用:改善睡眠,减少眼疲劳 难以入睡?孩子睡前玩平板电脑后过于兴奋?经常在深夜使用智能手机和平板电脑?偏头痛患者对光线敏感? Twilight 应用或许能帮到你! 近期研究表明,睡前接触蓝光会扰乱你的自然昼夜节律,导致难以入睡。原因在于眼睛中一种名为黑视蛋白(Melanopsin)的光感受器,它对 460-480nm 波段的蓝光非常敏感,这可能会抑制褪黑素(Melatonin)的产生——一种负责调节健康睡眠-觉醒周期的激素。 实验研究表明,睡前使用平板电脑或智能手机阅读几个小时的人,平均睡眠延迟约一小时。详见以下参考文献。 Twilight 应用会使你的设备屏幕适应一天
The Tawakkalna app: Your essential guide to COVID-19 services in Saudi Arabia. The Tawakkalna app is the official Saudi Arabian government application for managing emergencies and safeguarding public health. Crucially, it played a vital role in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, a testament to its
Turn your daily walks into exciting adventures with our GPS-powered walking app, Rewards! This fitness app doesn't just track your progress; it rewards you for a healthier lifestyle. Here's what makes Rewards unique: Effortless Step Tracking: Accurately monitor your daily steps using your device
The My Health Portal app empowers you to take charge of your well-being. A quick health assessment provides personalized recommendations and motivates you to adopt healthier lifestyle choices. Engage with fun, easy-to-use trackers and seamlessly integrate data from your connected devices via the H
Genesia AI APK: Your Android's Emotional Companion In today's mobile landscape, Genesia AI APK stands out as a unique app blending emotional intelligence with everyday utility. This isn't your average digital assistant; it's designed to be a virtual confidant, offering more than just functional sup
TreninGO: Your Mobile Fitness Companion TreninGO is a mobile application designed to encourage an active lifestyle, regular exercise, and overall well-being. Users can easily locate ideal workout spots by searching a database of over 120 running tracks and outdoor gyms across Serbia. The app tailo
Kiddo: Your Child's Personalized Health Companion Kiddo is a cutting-edge health and wellness platform designed for children and their families. This app offers continuous monitoring of vital signs (including heart rate and temperature) and delivers insightful health data (like activity and sleep p
Cardiogram: Your Personal Heart & Migraine Health Companion Cardiogram offers two powerful apps – Heart IQ and Migraine IQ – designed to help you understand and manage your heart health and migraines using your smartwatch and smartphone. Both apps leverage minute-by-minute heart rate data to provid
Experience the ultimate running companion with Running Tracker Pro! This app meticulously tracks your distance, pace, calories burned, and more, providing the most precise data available in a sleek and intuitive interface. Enjoy integrated music controls and personalized audio coaching to guide yo