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FF7 Remake Part 3 Story Now Complete, Smooth Progress Ahead

by Andrew Mar 27,2025

Exciting news for fans of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series: the long-awaited Part 3 has completed its story, and development is progressing smoothly without any delays, according to director Naoki Hamaguchi and producer Yoshinori Kitase in a recent interview. Dive in to discover what this means for the trilogy's future!

Final Fantasy 7 Part 3’s Main Scenario Is Complete

Development On Schedule, No Delays For Its Upcoming Release

FF7 Remake Part 3 is Now Story Complete, Smooth Sailing From HereImage from Famitsu

In an insightful interview with Famitsu ahead of the PC port launch of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, series producer Yoshinori Kitase and Rebirth game director Naoki Hamaguchi revealed that the development of the third title is moving forward seamlessly. Hamaguchi confirmed that they started working on the third game immediately after concluding FF7 Rebirth's development, stating, "We are progressing without any delay from the schedule we planned when we launched the remake project, so we hope you will look forward to it."

FF7 Remake Part 3 is Now Story Complete, Smooth Sailing From Here

Kitase, who had previously mentioned before the PlayStation 5 release of FF7 Rebirth in February 2024 that the main scenario for the third game was already complete, provided an update. He confirmed that the storywriting is now definitively finished and expressed satisfaction with the outcome. "I gave it [the storywriting] to Nomura (FF7 Rebirth Creative Director, Tetsuya Nomura) as homework to conclude the remake project, while respecting the original and providing a sense of satisfaction that wasn't felt in the original. That was finally completed at the end of the year, and the scenario for the third installment was completed there." He is confident that this conclusion will satisfy fans of the trilogy.

Team Admits That They Were Worried About Rebirth’s Release At First

FF7 Remake Part 3 is Now Story Complete, Smooth Sailing From Here

The second installment of the remake series, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, released in early 2024, garnered widespread acclaim and positive reception from critics, fans, and gamers. Despite its success, the developers initially harbored concerns about its reception.

Kitase and Hamaguchi shared their initial worries with Famitsu about Rebirth's release following the success of the first entry. "I was worried about how it would resonate with players and game fans because it was a remake and the second in a trilogy," Kitase admitted. "But in the end, I was happy to receive such positive reviews that it overcame those concerns." The overwhelmingly positive feedback boosted the team's confidence for the upcoming finale. "In that sense, I think we have done our job of creating a good atmosphere for the third installment," Hamaguchi added.

The game's praise for its compelling storyline and engaging gameplay can be attributed to Hamaguchi's "logic-based approach." In a separate interview with Automaton, he explained their method of incorporating feedback: "If our goal is A, and we get an opinion like 'I want B instead,' we can’t do anything about it as it is just someone’s preference. However, if we get an opinion like 'If you added B too, wouldn’t it be even better?' then I’ll think about incorporating it, if possible."

PC Gaming Is Now The Norm

FF7 Remake Part 3 is Now Story Complete, Smooth Sailing From Here

The interview also touched on the rising popularity of PC gaming. In recent years, many gamers have shifted their preference to playing on personal computers, a trend the video game industry has acknowledged by making games available on PC from launch and eventually porting console exclusives to PC to reach a broader audience.

Kitase noted that this shift is a response to rising development costs and the need to cater to a wider market. He pointed out that while some regions may not sell mainstream consoles due to certain policies, PCs and laptops are ubiquitous worldwide. "As for PCs, there are no borders, so I think it's inevitable that PC versions will be released in order to allow more people to play."

FF7 Remake Part 3 is Now Story Complete, Smooth Sailing From Here

The FF7 Rebirth team prioritized the PC port of the second game to meet this demand. "I feel like the flow of game users in the world has changed a lot there. That's why we focused on making the PC version of FFVII Rebirth shorter than the period when the PC version of FFVII Remake was released," Hamaguchi explained.

With the experiences gained from the first two releases, the grand finale of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy promises to be a thrilling conclusion. Fans can look forward to potentially quicker access to the game on PC, ensuring the full Remake Project experience reaches a global audience.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is now available on PC via Steam and on its original console, the PlayStation 5. If you haven't yet embarked on this epic journey with Cloud and his allies, the first installment, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam.

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