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MiSide: How to Find All Mita Cartridges

by Olivia Mar 24,2025

MiSide is an immersive psychological horror game that captivates players with its intricate plotline. You step into the shoes of Player One, who finds themselves ensnared in a virtual world by the enigmatic Mita. As you delve deeper into the game, you'll encounter various incarnations of Mita, each presenting a unique personality across different game worlds.

Beyond the engaging narrative, MiSide offers a treasure hunt of sorts with collectibles known as Mita Cartridges. These cartridges not only enrich the backstory of each Mita variant you meet but also contribute to unlocking the coveted in-game achievement, "Hi, Mita." Finding all the cartridges can be challenging due to their cleverly concealed locations, but fear not—this guide will provide you with detailed locations for every Mita Cartridge in MiSide, ensuring you can gather them efficiently during your gameplay.

All Mita Cartridges Locations in MiSide

In MiSide, your quest to unlock the "Hi, Mita" achievement involves collecting 13 Mita Cartridges scattered across various chapters. These cartridges are often hidden in spots that are easy to miss. Fortunately, if you overlook any during your initial playthrough, you can revisit chapters to secure the missing cartridges and progress toward your achievement.

The following table lists the precise locations of all Mita Cartridges within the game:

Mita CartridgeChapterLocation
Mita-Unlocked automatically once you start the game and enter the virtual world.
Chibi MitaMini MitaThe Chapter Mini Mita starts with Player One arriving in front of a miniature house/forge where they meet Chibi Mita. You'll need to forge a Giant Key with her help, but before you proceed, check the stool on the left to pick up the Chibi Mita Cartridge.
Short-Haired MitaMini MitaAs you advance through the chapter Mini Mita, you'll reach a house in game version 1.15. Enter the bedroom to find a Dummy Mita sitting on a chair. When you approach, she will lunge at you. After the cutscene, grab the Mita Cartridge from the table near the mirror.
Kind MitaRebootKind Mita stands out as the most benevolent Mita you'll meet. Her cartridge is found later in the chapter Reboot. After the terrifying encounter with Crazy Mita in the bathroom, return to normalcy and revisit the bedroom. The Kind Mita cartridge awaits on the computer desk.
Cap-Wearing MitaBeyond the WorldYou first encounter Cap-Wearing Mita, affectionately known as Cappie, in the chapter Beyond the World. Her cartridge is located in the same chapter. After Kind Mita takes your ring and suggests spending time with Cappie, navigate through the Living Room to the Kitchen. The Mita Cartridge sits atop the TV set.
Tiny MitaThe LoopIn "The Loop" chapter, keep looping through the hallway until Tiny Mita appears. Her Cartridge will materialize on the table beside her.
Dummy MitaDummies and Forgotten PuzzlesIn the chapter Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles, you'll navigate through a terrifying level filled with Dummy Mitas. Near the chapter's end, you'll reach a ladder in a sewer area. Before climbing, locate the Dummy Mita Cartridge in one of the Dummy Mita's hands.
Ghostly MitaDummies and Forgotten PuzzlesContinuing in Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles, you'll enter Ghostly Mita's bedroom. Immediately upon entering, turn right to spot a shelf. The Ghostly Mita Cartridge is near one of the boxes on this shelf.
Sleepy MitaShe Just Wants to SleepIn the chapter She Just Wants to Sleep, enter the bathroom to find the Cartridge on the shelf above the air vent.
2D MitaNovelsThe 2D Mita Cartridge is easy to overlook. In the chapter Novels, you're transported to a world resembling a visual novel. When faced with a choice between the kitchen and the bedroom, opt for the kitchen first. Quickly click on the 2D Mita Cartridge on the side table under the window during the brief window provided.
MilaReading Books, Destroying GlitchesCollecting the Mila Character Cartridge is straightforward. Once you're free to explore, head to the living room where the cartridge lies on the coffee table in front of the TV.
Creepy MitaOld VersionAfter the cutscene in the chapter Old Version, proceed to Creepy Mita's bedroom. Look back at the door to see Creepy Mita. A brief blackout will follow, and you'll wake up in the kitchen facing Creepy Mita. Ignore her and locate the Creepy Mita Cartridge near the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter.
Core MitaRebootUpon returning to the Core Computer in the chapter Reboot near the end of MiSide's True Ending, select "Advanced Functions" and then "Get Flash Drive." This action will unlock the final Mita Cartridge.
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