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Freedom Wars Remastered: How To Use Your Accessory

by Benjamin Mar 25,2025

Freedom Wars Remastered: How To Use Your Accessory

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In Freedom Wars Remastered, you have the flexibility to enhance your Operations by selecting three comrades and customizing your Accessory. While you can only level up the gear of your Comrades as a whole, your Accessory offers a unique level of control and customization, making it a pivotal asset in your team.

During Operations, you can issue specific commands to your Accessory, tailoring its role to complement your strategy. Here's how you can optimize your Accessory's performance through customization and command selection.

How To Customize Your Accessory In Freedom Wars Remastered

Customizing your Accessory in Freedom Wars Remastered is straightforward and similar to adjusting your own loadout. Navigate to the Loadout menu, where you'll find the Accessory option just below your player's settings. This menu lets you equip your Accessory with any weapon you own, as well as compatible Modules that enhance that weapon's capabilities.

Unlike players, Accessories don't need to worry about ammunition when using gun weapons, giving them a strategic advantage. You can also equip your Accessory with one combat item of your choice, which they'll use at their discretion. The key difference between Accessories and Comrades is the ability to issue unique commands to your Accessory, making them highly adaptable to different combat situations.

Accessory Orders

In the Loadout menu, you can select which set of Orders your Accessory will follow. To customize these Orders, interact with your Accessory in your cell and select the fifth option, "Customize Accessory." This allows you to tailor a set of commands from a range of available options, enhancing your Accessory's utility in Operations.

To expand the number of orders in a set, you can purchase additional "Right To Assign Orders Entitlements" through the Window of Liberty Interface Entitlements under the Accessory section. Once you've chosen an Order Set for your Accessory, you can't change it during an Operation. The available orders include:

  • Follow Me
  • Stand by
  • Use Medical Supplies
  • Prioritize Revival
  • Rescue Comrades
  • Carry Citizens
  • Drop Citizen
  • Follow With Citizen
  • Capture Enemy Control System
  • Capture Nearby Control System
  • Capture Neutral Control System
  • Harvest Resources

You can issue these commands at any time during an Operation by pressing up on the D-pad or the C key on PC. This allows your Accessory to handle specific tasks, while your Comrades focus on broader objectives.

Best Accessory Orders In Freedom Wars Remastered

To maximize the effectiveness of your Accessory in Freedom Wars Remastered, consider equipping the following key orders:

Carry CitizenUtilize this command to have your Accessory transport citizens between extraction points, allowing you and your Comrades to concentrate on combat.
Prioritize RevivalIn intense battles, this order ensures your Accessory stays close and revives you immediately upon being knocked out, keeping you in the fight.
Rescue ComradesYour Comrades are valuable, but they can fall. This command directs your Accessory to prioritize their revival, leveraging their combat effectiveness.
Use Medical SuppliesEquip your Accessory with First Aid Kits to turn them into a mobile healer, maintaining the health and combat readiness of your entire team.

While your Accessory can be a formidable damage dealer with the right weapon upgrades, its true strength lies in its support capabilities. Equip it with a powerful gun and focus on its role as a support unit, enhancing your team's overall performance in Operations.

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