by Charlotte Feb 28,2025
在使命召喚中解鎖AMR Mod 4:Black Ops 6和Warzone
使命召喚:Black Ops 6和Warzone的第1季介紹了AMR Mod 4狙擊步槍,擁有一係列的迷彩和附件以解鎖。本指南詳細介紹了如何獲取AMR mod 4的每個迷彩和附件。
AMR mod 4 Camos
AMR Mod 4在多人遊戲,僵屍和Warzone模式中提供了不同的迷彩選擇。每個迷彩都需要特定的遊戲內成就。
Camo Type | Camo Name | Unlock Requirement |
Military Camos | Granite | 5 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 |
Woodland | 10 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Savanna | 15 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Splinter | 20 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Moss | 30 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Saboteur | 40 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Digital | 50 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Tide | 75 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Red Tiger | 100 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Special Camos | Shadow Thorn | Unlock all Military Camos in Multiplayer; 30 one-shot kills |
Tidal Harmony | Unlock all Military Camos in Multiplayer; 10 two-kill streaks without reloading | |
Mastery Camos | Gold | Unlock all Multiplayer Special Camos; 10 double kills |
Diamond | Unlock Gold; Unlock Gold on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 10 three-kill streaks without dying | |
Dark Spine | Unlock Diamond; Unlock Diamond on 3 other weapons; 3 triple kills | |
Dark Matter | Unlock Dark Spine; Unlock Dark Spine on 3 other weapons; 3 five-kill streaks without dying |
Camo Type | Camo Name | Unlock Requirement |
Military Camos | Slate | 100 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 |
Desert | 200 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Evergreen | 300 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Rugged | 400 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Grim | 600 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Stripe | 800 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Oceanic | 1000 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Whiteout | 1500 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Purple Tiger | 2000 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Special Camos | Scarthorn | Unlock all Military Camos in Zombies; 15 five-critical-kill streaks |
Marine Swirl | Unlock all Military Camos in Zombies; 15 ten-kill streaks without reloading | |
Mastery Camos | Mystic Gold | Unlock both Special Camos; 15 ten-kill streaks |
Opal | Unlock Mystic Gold; Unlock Mystic Gold on 2 other Sniper Rifles; 30 Special Zombie kills | |
Afterlife | Unlock Opal; Unlock Opal on 3 other weapons; 10 twenty-kill streaks without taking damage | |
Nebula | Unlock Afterlife; Unlock Afterlife on 3 other weapons; 10 Elite Zombie eliminations |
Warzone Camos
Camo Type | Camo Name | Unlock Requirement |
Military Camos | Quartz | 5 kills with the AMR Mod 4 |
Tundra | 10 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Canyon | 15 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Pine | 20 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Undergrowth | 30 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Snakeskin | 40 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Siberia | 50 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Smolder | 75 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Blue Tiger | 100 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Special Camos | Bramblethorn | Unlock all Military Camos in Warzone; 5 two-kill streaks within 30 seconds |
Sunlit Shoal | Unlock all Military Camos in Warzone; 5 two-kill streaks while prone within 20 seconds | |
Mastery Camos | Gold Tiger | Unlock both Special Camos; 5 eliminations as Most Wanted |
King's Ransom | Unlock Gold Tiger; Unlock Gold Tiger on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 5 three-kill streaks without dying | |
Catalyst | Unlock King's Ransom; Unlock King's Ransom on 3 other weapons; 5 kills with Stun/Flash/Shock Charge affected Operators | |
Abyss | Unlock Catalyst; Unlock Catalyst on 3 other weapons; 2 five-kill streaks without dying |
AMR mod 4附件
AMR mod 4的附件在很大程度上通過武器水平進程解鎖,其中一些與其他武器水平進展相關的光學元件。以下表詳細說明每個附件類別及其個人優點和缺點。請注意,空間限製阻止此處所有附件表的完全複製。請參閱原始文檔以獲取完整的詳細信息。
該綜合指南提供了《使命召喚:黑色行動6和Warzone》中AMR Mod 4的Camos和附件的完整概述。祝你好運!