Amberlust unfolds in Yokubo, a kingdom embroiled in a 300-year war fueled by unique lust-based magic. Awaken in a cart, memoryless and headed towards an unknown fate. Your journey to recover your past will lead you to an unimaginable destiny.
Balancing full-time jobs and game development is challenging. Your Patreon support is invaluable! Become a patron and contribute to Amberlust's progress, gaining exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content (linearts, sketches, updates), early releases, and the chance to influence the game's future via polls and our Discord server.
We're committed to creating an exceptional game, but we need your help. Your support allows us to dedicate more time to development and deliver more frequent updates. Embark on this extraordinary adventure with us and help shape Amberlust's destiny.
⭐️ High-fantasy eroge: Immerse yourself in Yokubo's captivating storyline, where lust-driven magic shapes a war-torn kingdom.
⭐️ Unique protagonist: Begin as an amnesiac stranger, exploring an unfamiliar world and uncovering a destiny beyond your wildest imaginings.
⭐️ Development support: Patreon support directly fuels the game's development, ensuring quality and timely progress.
⭐️ Exclusive content: Patrons enjoy behind-the-scenes access to linearts, sketches, and development updates, offering a unique perspective on the game's creation.
⭐️ Early access & influence: Experience new releases early and shape the game's direction through feedback, polls, and our dedicated Discord community.
⭐️ Passionate team: A talented team—writer, programmer, and digital artist—collaborates to deliver a compelling and well-rounded gaming experience.
Discover the enchanting world of Amberlust, a high-fantasy eroge set in a kingdom ravaged by war. Unravel your past as a mysterious stranger and influence the destiny that awaits. Your Patreon support not only advances the game but also grants access to exclusive content, early releases, and a voice in shaping Amberlust's future. Join our team on this incredible journey and become part of the Amberlust adventure today.
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