by Zachary Mar 01,2025
掌握Monster Hunter Wild的大劍:綜合指南
推薦視頻:優化Monster Hunter Wilds中的大劍使用
Command | Move | Description |
Triangle/Y | Overhead Slash | A quick, uncharged overhead attack, chainable into charged combos. |
Holding Triangle/Y | Charged Slash | A powerful slash whose strength increases with charge time. |
Holding Triangle/Y + Circle/B | Tackle | A rising slash that can interrupt monster attacks. A perfectly timed release stuns the monster, allowing a follow-up Cross Slash (Triangle/Y). |
Circle/B | Wide Slash | A wide-ranging slash, chainable after a Tackle (Leaping Wide Slash) or Strong Charged Slash (Strong Wide Slash). |
Triangle/Y + Circle/B | Rising Slash | Attacks high areas on monsters. |
Holding Triangle/Y + Circle/B | Offset Rising Slash | A charged rising slash that, if timed correctly during a monster attack, stuns it, allowing a Cross Slash follow-up. |
R2/RT | Guard | Blocks attacks using the Great Sword's blade. Guard direction is adjustable in Focus Mode. |
R2/RT + Triangle/Y | Kick | A kick performed while guarding. |
L2/LT + R1/RB | Focus Slash/Perforate | A sweeping attack particularly effective against wounded areas. Hitting weak points delivers multiple hits and massive damage. R1/RB early cancels the attack. |
持有R2/RT警衛,以耐力為代價減輕損害。完美的後衛(完美的定時塊)否定了所有傷害,有時會觸發力量衝突(Mash Circle/B贏得並擊倒怪物)。
本指南為掌握 Monster Hunter Wild 中的大劍提供了堅實的基礎。探索逃避現實的更多資源以獲取其他遊戲提示。
*Monster Hunter Wilds現已在PlayStation,Xbox和PC上使用。