>  소식 >  문명 7의 모든 불가사의 7 명은 지금까지 확인되었습니다 (Civ 7)

문명 7의 모든 불가사의 7 명은 지금까지 확인되었습니다 (Civ 7)

by Henry Feb 27,2025

문명 7의 모든 불가사의 7 명은 지금까지 확인되었습니다 (Civ 7)

문명의 경이로움을 탐구하십시오. 7 : 포괄적 인 가이드

건물을 건설하면 문명 7 에서 문명을 향상시킬 수 있지만, 진정으로 번성하려면 불가사의 한 영역을 탐구해야합니다. 이 안내서는 Civilization 7 *에서 사용 가능한 모든 경이로움에 대해 자세히 설명합니다.


  • 모든 문명 7 불가사의
  • 고대 시대
  • 탐사 시대
  • 현대 시대

이전의 할부와 유사하게 Civilization 7의 불가사의는 뚜렷한 연령으로 나뉘며 각각은 독특한 구조를 제공합니다. 아래는 전체 목록입니다.

고대 시대는 불가사의입니다

WonderEffectPlacement Requirements
Angkor WatIncreased Happiness and Specialist Limit in this City.Adjacent to a River tile.
Colosseum+3 Culture. +2 Happiness on Quarters in this City.Adjacent to a District.
Colossus+3 Gold. +3 Resource Capacity. +1 Economic Attribute point.On Coast adjacent to land.
Dur-Sharrukin+5 Science. Functions as a Fortified District; +3 Combat Strength to all Fortified Districts in all Settlements.On a Flat tile.
Emile BellUnique Endeavor (Ginseng Agreement): grants Food in both Leaders’ Capitals. +1 Diplomatic Attribute point.On a Rough tile.
Gate of All NationsIncreased Gold and Support during Wars.Adjacent to a District.
Great Stele+200 Gold upon completion of any Wonder in this City (including itself).On a Flat tile.
Ha’among’a Maui+2 Culture. +1 Culture and Food on Fishing Boats in this Settlement. +1 Cultural Attribute point.On a Grassland or Tropical tile adjacent to Coast.
Hanging Gardens+1 Food on Farms. +10% growth rate in all Cities. +1 Expansionist Attribute point.Adjacent to a River.
Mausoleum of Theodoric+3 Production. +100% yields and HP from pillaging. +1 Militaristic Attribute point.Adjacent to Coast.
Monks MoundIncreased Food and Resource Capacity in this City.Adjacent to a River tile.
Mundo PerdidoIncreased Happiness and Science on Tropical tiles in this City.On a Tropical tile.
Nalanda+3 Science. +1 Codex; 2 Codex slots. +1 Scientific Attribute point.On a Plains tile.
OracleIncreased Culture; additional Culture per Age from Narrative Events.On a Rough tile.
Petra+2 Gold. +1 Gold and Production per Desert tile in the Settlement.On a Desert tile.
Pyramid of the Sun+3 Culture. +3 Culture on each Quarter in this Settlement.On a Flat tile adjacent to a District.
Pyramids+1 Gold and Production on Minor and Navigable River tiles in this City.On a Desert tile adjacent to a Navigable River tile.
Sanchi StupaIncreased Happiness and Culture based on excess Happiness in this City.On a Plains tile.
Terracotta Army+2 Production. Grants a free Army Commander; +25% Army experience.On a Grassland tile.
Weiyang Palace+6 Influence.On a Grassland tile.

탐사 연령은 놀라운 일입니다

WonderEffectsPlacement Requirements
Borobudur+3 Happiness. +2 Food and Happiness on Quarters.Adjacent to a Coast tile.
Brihadeeswarar Temple+3 Influence. Buildings with active adjacency receive +1 Happiness adjacency with Navigable Rivers.On a Minor River or adjacent to a Navigable River.
El Escorial+3 Happiness. 3 Relic Slots. +1 Settlement Limit. +4 Happiness on Cities within 7 tiles.On a Rough tile.
Erdene ZuuIncreased Culture upon Cavalry Unit creation (percentage of cost).On a Flat Plains, Flat Tundra, or Flat Desert tile.
Forbidden City+2 Culture. +2 Culture and Gold on all Fortification Buildings in this Settlement.Adjacent to a District.
Hale o Keawe+2 Culture. Coast Building construction grants Culture (50% of cost). 3 Relic Slots.Adjacent to a Coast tile, but not adjacent to a Tundra tile.
House of Wisdom+3 Science. Gains 3 Relics. +2 Science on Great Works; 3 Great Works slots.Adjacent to an Urban tile.
Machu Pichu+4 Gold. Increased Resource Capacity. +4 Culture and Gold on adjacent tiles.On a Tropical Mountain tile.
Notre Dame+4 Happiness. Specialists provide +3 Culture during Celebrations; Celebration upon completion.Adjacent to a River tile and a District.
Serpent Mount+4 Influence. +3 Science and +2 Production to all Unique Improvements.On a Grassland tile.
Shwedagon Zedi Daw+4 Science. +2 Science on Rural tiles with at least 1 Happiness. +1 Wildcard Attribute point.Adjacent to a Lake.
Tomb of Askia+2 Gold. +2 Resource Capacity. +2 Gold and Production per Resource assigned.On a Desert tile.
White TowerIncreased Happiness based on Unique Traditions in your Government.Adjacent to a City Hall.

현대 시대의 불가사의

WonderEffectsPlacement Requirements
Brandenburg GateIncreased Production; no Happiness penalty from War Weariness; increased Happiness in conquered Settlements.Adjacent to a District.
Chengde Mountain ResortIncreased Gold based on Trade Routes with other Civilizations.Adjacent to a Mountain tile.
Dogo OnsenIncreased Happiness; City gains Population during Celebrations.Adjacent to a Coast tile.
Doi Suthep+4 Influence. +5 Culture and Gold per City-State you are Suzerain of.On a Rough tile.
Eiffel TowerIncreased Culture and Happiness on Districts in this City.Adjacent to a District.
HermitageIncreased Culture in Cities with slotted Great Works.On a Tundra tile.
Muzibu Azaala Mpanga+4 Food. +2 Food on all Lake tiles; +2 Culture and Happiness on Lake tiles in this Settlement.Adjacent to a Lake tile.
Oxford UniversityTo be determinedTo be determined
Palacio de Bellas ArtesIncreased Culture and Happiness on Great Works; increased Happiness in this City; comes with Great Works slots.Adjacent to an Urban District.
Red FortTo be determinedTo be determined
Statue of LibertyIncreased Happiness; spawns Migrant Units; increased Resource Capacity; increased Gold and Production per assigned Resource.On a Coast tile adjacent to land.
Taj MahalTo be determinedTo be determined

이것은 문명 7 에 대한 확정 된 불가사의를 마무리한다. 리더 목록을 포함한 더 많은 게임 플레이 팁 및 정보는 추가 리소스를 참조하십시오.