⭐️ Real-Time Flight Information: Stay current with up-to-the-minute flight details, including inbound flights and NAS status updates. Quickly access EDCT information for any flight.
⭐️ Effortless Schedule Management: Download and store your FLICA flight schedule directly to your device. Access your schedule even without internet connectivity.
⭐️ Personalized Crew Assistant: Enjoy 24/7 personalized support, including flight change monitoring, crucial data highlighting, and prompt notifications.
⭐️ Regulatory Compliance: Simplify compliance with integrated US Part 117 and Canadian flight/duty limit calculations. Track cumulative flight time, daily duty-off times, and block limits.
⭐️ Layover Planning Resources: Access updated hotel information, amenities, and local recommendations for restaurants, bars, and attractions. Contribute your own favorite spots!
⭐️ 10-Day Weather Forecasts: Optimize your layover planning with detailed 10-day weather forecasts for each destination.
Flight Crew View provides real-time flight updates, seamless schedule management, personalized assistance, and effortless regulatory compliance. Plan your layovers effectively with access to hotel and weather information, and stay connected with colleagues via in-app messaging. Join the aviation professional community and experience a smoother, more integrated work life.
TiMi と Garena がデルタ フォースのグローバル モバイル リリースを発表
もう政治家は不要: Lawgivers II があなたに力を与える
新しいマルチプレイヤー オプション: Don't Starve Together が Netflix ゲームに加わりました
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嵐の波 1.1 後半で新しいバナーとイベントが公開
Android がピクセル化メトロイドヴァニア「Blasphemous」をホスト
Android 向けの最高のライフスタイル アプリを見つけてください! この厳選されたコレクションには、Start Running for Beginners と Muscle Monster Workout Planner による健康とフィットネス、Barbeque Nation-Buffets & More と Dairy Queen® Food & Treats による食事と食事、PinkBird Period Tracker による健康追跡、およびFoodvisor - 栄養と食事など。 DaVita Care Connect で健康を管理し、妊娠ガイドで妊娠の計画を立て、버디스쿼드 - 골프 팬들의 플레이그라운드 でゴルフを楽しみ、Laf Sokan Kapak Sözler İNTERNETSİZ でインスピレーションを見つけてください。 今すぐ最適なアプリを見つけてください!
PinkBird Period Tracker
Barbeque Nation-Buffets & More
Dairy Queen® Food & Treats
Foodvisor - Nutrition & Diet
Start Running for Beginners
Muscle Monster Workout Planner
DaVita Care Connect