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Ottawa OC Transpo Bus - MonTr…

Ottawa OC Transpo Bus - MonTr…

地圖和導航 24.10.22r2618 17.8 MB by MTransit Apps ✪ 2.9

Android 7.0+Dec 15,2024


Enhance your MonTransit experience with Ottawa OC Transpo bus information. This app seamlessly integrates real-time bus schedules, up-to-the-minute service updates, and the latest news directly from www.octranspo.com and the official @OC_Transpo and @OCTranspoLive Twitter feeds. Serving Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, this addition provides convenient access to schedule information (both offline and real-time) once installed within the MonTransit application.

Note: This app uses a temporary icon. Download the free MonTransit app via the "More..." section below or directly from the Google Play link: https://goo.gl/pCk5mV

While SD card installation is possible, it's not recommended. Data is sourced from the GTFS file provided by OC Transpo and the City of Ottawa (https://www.octranspo.com/en/plan-your-trip/travel-tools/developers/).

This open-source application (https://github.com/mtransitapps/ca-ottawa-oc-transpo-bus-android) is free and is not affiliated with OC Transpo.

Permissions: Requires access to load OC Transpo's Live Next Bus Arrivals and retrieve news from www.octranspo.com and Twitter.

Version 24.10.22r2618 (Oct 23, 2024): Includes schedules valid from October 18, 2024 to December 14, 2024.

Ottawa OC Transpo Bus - MonTr… 螢幕截圖 0
Ottawa OC Transpo Bus - MonTr… 螢幕截圖 1
Ottawa OC Transpo Bus - MonTr… 螢幕截圖 2
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