by Gabriella Feb 25,2025
Zenless Zero的遊戲玩法圍繞著探索以太破壞的區域探索空心。該資源驅使各種派係(政府,公司和幫派)利用它,從而導致空心攻略的興起,在這些危險區域內尋求寶貴的寶藏。 ZZZ中的所有可玩角色都是具有顯著的以太能力的熟練空心攻略。作為代理人,玩家可以與來自不同背景的代理商合作。
下表詳細介紹了Zenless Zero中當前可用的字符。請注意,盡管角色具有攻擊類型,但遊戲現在使用了更具描述性的專業名稱。
Agent | Rank | Attribute | Specialty | Type | Faction |
Burnice | S | Fire | Anomaly | Pierce | Sons of Calydon |
Caesar | S | Physical | Defense | Strike | Sons of Calydon |
Ellen | S | Ice | Attack | Slash | Victoria Housekeeping |
Grace | S | Electric | Anomaly | Pierce | Belobog Heavy Industries |
Harumasa | S | Electric | Attack | Pierce | Section 6 |
Jane Doe | S | Physical | Anomaly | Slash | Criminal Investigation Special Response Team |
Lighter | S | Fire | Stun | Strike | Sons of Calydon |
Koleda | S | Fire | Stun | Strike | Belobog Heavy Industries |
Lycaon | S | Ice | Stun | Strike | Victoria Housekeeping |
Miyabi | S | Frost (Ice) | Anomaly | Slash | Section 6 |
Nekomata | S | Physical | Attack | Slash | Cunning Hares |
Rina | S | Electric | Support | Strike | Victoria Housekeeping |
Qingyi | S | Electric | Stun | Strike | Criminal Investigation Special Response Team |
Soldier 11 | S | Fire | Attack | Slash | Obol Squad |
Yanagi | S | Electric | Anomaly | Slash | Section 6 |
Zhu Yuan | S | Ether | Attack | Pierce | Criminal Investigation Special Response Team |
Anby | A | Electric | Stun | Slash | Cunning Hares |
Anton | A | Electric | Attack | Pierce | Belobog Heavy Industries |
Ben | A | Fire | Defense | Strike | Belobog Heavy Industries |
Billy | A | Physical | Attack | Pierce | Cunning Hares |
Corin | A | Physical | Attack | Slash | Victoria Housekeeping |
Lucy | A | Fire | Support | Strike | Sons of Calydon |
Nicole | A | Ether | Support | Strike | Cunning Hares |
Piper | A | Physical | Anomaly | Slash | Sons of Calydon |
Agent | Rank | Attribute | Specialty | Faction |
Astra Yao | S | Ether | Support | Stars of Lyra |
Evelyn | S | Fire | Attack | Stars of Lyra |
agent | rank | 屬性 | pretecialty | faction | > >>> Astra Yao > > s > > > ether >>> support >>>>星星lyra > >>> > evelyn >>>s > > > fire>> >攻擊>>>> >
此信息提供了無Zenless Zero中當前和即將到來的字符的全麵概述。請繼續關注進一步的更新!