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Super Cricket

Super Cricket

スポーツ 2.9 96.1 MB by FRAG ✪ 3.4

Android 5.1+Dec 15,2024


Experience the thrill of Super Cricket, a multiplayer cricket game where you can compete against real players. Enjoy exciting matches with friends and family, showcasing your batting prowess with stunning shots or dominating with masterful bowling spells. Prove your athleticism in the field, saving crucial runs. Super Cricket delivers all the action of a real cricket match, packed into one fun and engaging experience. Get ready for some amazing boundaries!

Super Cricket スクリーンショット 0
Super Cricket スクリーンショット 1
CricketFan Jan 06,2025

Fun and addictive! The controls are easy to learn and the matches are exciting. More customization options would be great.

AmanteDelCricket Jan 23,2025

Buen juego, pero necesita más modos de juego. Los gráficos son decentes, pero podrían mejorar.

FanDeCricket Dec 30,2024

Excellent jeu de cricket! Les commandes sont fluides et les matchs sont palpitants. Un must pour les fans de cricket!

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