by Eric Feb 02,2025
メタファーの世界を魅力的な旅に着手します。14人のユニークなフォロワーとのリペンタジオとフォージボンド。 これらのフォロワーは、他のゲームのソーシャルリンクに似ており、接続を深めるための明確でやりがいのあるシステムを提供します。各フォロワーには8つの債券ランクがあり、専用のインタラクションを通じて達成可能です。 これらのランクのロックを解除すると、系統内の新しいアーキタイプが明らかになり、冒険を支援するために貴重なボーナスを与えます。 注:このガイドには、フォロワー名に限定されたマイナースポイラーが含まれています。
Follower Name | Unlock Method | Archetype Lineage |
Gallica | Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on June 6th. | Mage |
Strohl | Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on June 6th. | Warrior |
Hulkenberg | On June 10th, after defeating the boss in the Mausoleum. | Knight |
Heismay | On July 4th, after entering the main dungeon for the first time. | Thief |
Junah | Complete the side quest "Save The Mourning Snakes" after reaching Virga Island. | Masked Dancer |
Eupha | Complete the side quest "Trial Of Malnova" after rescuing her in the Dragon Temple Dungeon. | Summoner |
Basilio | On September 14th, after leaving Altabury on the Gauntlet Runner. | Berserker |
Neuras | On June 14th, complete the quest "Providing A Spark." | Gunner |
Maria | During main story events on June 10th. | Healer |
Catherina | Upon entering the Grand Trad dungeon on June 12th. | Brawler |
Alonzo | Complete the quest "A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake" in Martia after reaching the location. | Faker |
Bardon | After completing the Martira main story by July 16th, find him in Martia's city square. | Commander |
Brigitta | Begin the quest "A Bullish Embargo" with her near her Igniter shop in Grand Trad (on or after June 12th). | Merchant |
More | On the night of June 5th, after he summons you. | Seeker |
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