Alima's Baby Nursery: A Virtual Childcare Adventure
Ever dreamed of parenthood? Now you can experience the joys (and challenges!) of raising a family from the comfort of your home computer. Alima's Baby Nursery lets you nurture up to ten adorable babies. These responsive little ones react to your touch and gestures, playing with interactive animated toys in a fully engaging environment.
Feed your virtual infants, play with them, and ensure they get enough sleep. With each level you complete, you'll adopt another baby, gradually building your own virtual family.
Alima's Baby Nursery offers a modern twist on classic baby care games. The 3D visuals and smooth animations create a serene atmosphere, while the environment and toys adapt to your babies' needs and activities. Proper care will lead to healthy growth, rewarding you with golden stars to purchase clothes, toys, and food for your thriving nursery.
Keep your babies happy and well-fed! They'll gain or lose weight depending on their diet, and if they cry or cough, they might need medicine (don't worry, there's a hospital machine for that!).
Beyond childcare, you can earn gems by solving logic puzzles. These challenging games require strategic cube placement in a carpet playground, demanding careful planning to avoid getting stuck. Some levels even introduce helpful wooden boxes to aid your puzzle-solving efforts.
What's New in Version 1.281 (Last updated August 27, 2023): Updated Play Store API.
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